In Honour of Francesco Perna
Francesco came to Canada with his wife and 2 young sons in 1964. Notspeaking a word of English, he would take on any job to support his family. After a few years in Canada they would welcome 2 more sons. He taught them all that family was everything. He was always there for everyone and willing to help where he could. He put others above himself. He was always a happy and good spirited man who couldn’t help but infect you with his smile. Even when he started to have health issues, he never let that affect his goodwill towards others. He has overcome so much and has shown his family that love and affection will always be the foundation of a family. Now he is gone, but he wouldn’t want you to mourn his passing. He would want you to remember him and smile and pass his smile on to the next person. He would want you to celebrate life and embrace your loved ones. We will always feel his presence, because he is in our hearts.

Dr. Marisa Azad and the Perna Family