Team Retreats

Colleagues involved in the 3 Wishes Project hold periodic retreats in northern Ontario to reflect, rejuvinate and recommit to compassionate end of life care.  Retreats offer a welcome opportunity to reconnect to purpose and rekindle relationships with those who hold similar values. By exchanging stories, attendees help to foster growth of the 3 Wishes Project from a clinical perspective. Both discussing data we have collected and planning new developments help to stimulate abstracts, presentations, protocols and manuscripts from an academic perspective.


The retreats are semi-structured with short presentations including local chapter innovations and updates. These are interspersed with more interactive sessions. Attendees are invited to digitally disconnect as priority is placed on active participation. Other features are professional diversity, some new guests at each retreat, and early career clinicians presenting their work related to end of life care. Unstructured time is reserved for impromptu exchanges and outdoor leisure – walking in the woods, yoga or watersports. Other rewarding consequences include informal peer and community mentoring, blossoming friendships and new collaborations.

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3 wishes team
3W retreat july 2014
3WRetreat StMikesVGHStJosBrantford Sept2018 (2)
3 wishes retreat 2017
3 Wishes Team
April2017 3WPRetreat