Support The 3 Wishes Project for ALL dying patients and their families at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton (SJHH)
Our goal is to make the 3 Wishes Project available to all dying patients across the SJHH organization and to continue inspiring a community of caring at organizations worldwide. The 3 Wishes Project was founded in the SJHH intensive care unit in January 2013. We began the 3 Wishes Project to recognize our dying patients’ inherent dignity and forge connections among patients, family members and clinicians to try to ease the grieving process. This is achieved by eliciting and implementing final wishes that are meaningful at the end of life. Wishes are typically simple and inexpensive, yet experienced positively – a taste of food or beverage under the tongue, a visit by the family pet, favourite music playing in the room, a final toast, or surrounding the patient with things and people they love. This project needs your help to continue to provide compassionate end-of-life care for our dying patients and their families.